Lions Roar Delivery: If you get these newletters by regular mail, and you have an email address, please call Lion Jim Picunas, 686-1273, or email at with your email. By emailing the Lions Roar to you, the club saves time and money. Thanks for your cooperation.
- Our website is ; our email is ; and check us out on Facebook.
Lions Club International, through the Lions Foundation, has made a big impact on earthquake ravaged Haiti. LCI has provided new homes to over 600 families in Haiti along with significant aid to earthquake victims in the past year. Although we sometimes question the costs of being a Lion, it is good to know that we are part of something bigger, and that together we can make a difference we would be unable to do alone.
Club Activities for 2011. King Lion Tim brought up a list of events and possible projects for our club in 2011. Projects include repairing the doorframe on the Lions Building, putting in a flower plot at the building, possible work project at Rock Island lighthouse, getting some articles about Clayton Lions in our Lions International and District 20 magazines and printing a club brochure.
Lions Club Hats. We have had enough response that we will order a dozen hats and members can buy them from the club. These baseball caps will be in Lions club colors with our logo and should be available by March. If you want to purchase a Lions hat, let someone on the Board know.
January Board Meeting Notes
- Donations. We made our annual contribution to the Lions Foundation. This year we donated $100.
- Food sales. We will obtain a NYS Dept. of Health permit to sell food at our various events in 2011. The permit costs $30 and will allow us to sell food at the Jet Ski Poker Run, Bass Tournament and Trash & Treasures sales.
- TI Central School District asked Clayton Lions if a member of the club will participate in the Citizens Advisory Committee being formed to solicit public input into the future of elementary school operations in Clayton and Cape Vincent. Jim Picunas will participate.
- Winter meeting schedule. We will forego separate board meetings for January, February and March. We continue to hold regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays and we will cover board meeting actions during the 2nd Monday meeting.
Upcoming Dates. Warm up your car and join us!
Remember that for January, February and March we will meet only on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, the Board of Directors meeting being combined with the first meeting of the month.
- January 24th, regular meeting at TILT starting at 6:30 pm
- February 14th, regular meeting/board meeting at TILT, 6:30 pm
- February 28th, regular meeting at TILT, 6:30 pm
Events Schedule for Spring/Summer
- International Night, 4/14
- Education Night, 5/09
- Bass Tournament, 6/25
- Jet Ski Poker Run, 7/16
- Rift Camp Cookout, 8/19
- Spaghetti Dinners and Trash & Treasures dates to be determined
Quote for the month:
Character is doing what’s right when no one is looking. J.C. Watts
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