Clayton Lions Club, Clayton, New York

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"Not above you, not beneath you, but with you."

Monday, January 3, 2011


                                                  2010 Christmas Parade Float: A Winner!
To see more photos of the parade go to this website:
December 2010

December Pot Luck Dinner. Our Pot Luck Dinner will be held at TILT on Monday 12/13/10 starting at 6:30. We’ll have a steamship roast beef and everyone should bring a dish to pass and place setting. Please bring a guest too! King Lion Tim is organizing some great prizes for raffle at the meeting. We’ll have a great time and hope everyone can attend. This is our only meeting for December so please plan to be there.

Christmas Float. Chalk up another First Place float for Clayton Lions! We took first in the Service Organizations division. For those who missed the parade, the Lions float featured a replica of a Canadian Steamship freighter passing under the TI Bridge. Behind the freighter Mickey Mouse rode a jet ski and ahead of the freighter Snoopy was ice fishing. We named the freighter The Darrel Hayes in Darrel’s honor and it brought a few tears to the eyes of Darrel’s good friends in Clayton. Thanks go to Lions John Davis and Jim Flanders for the long hours they spent on the float and to Steve Albright for towing the float. And thanks to all Lions who helped on the float and took part in the parade.
Over 80 floats entered this year’s parade making Clayton’s parade far bigger than any other in the area and even bigger than Syracuse’s holiday parade. 
Website. You can visit our website at: Our email address is

Pizza Sale. We did really really well selling pizzas. We sold hundreds, probably no one in Clayton failed to buy at least one, and we raised over $1400! It was a win-win-win situation. Mars Pizzeria got great word of mouth advertising, people got a nice discount on the price of a pizza and Clayton Lions made money and raised our public image. We will be able to do a lot of good in the community with the extra $1400 in our coffers.

Santa Phone. Our annual Santa Phone is underway from Dec. 6 through 10. We have seen 30 or more boys and girls calling Santa each evening. It appears the favorite Christmas wishes are for I-pods and DSI’s. Whatever happened to dolls and cowboy hats? Thanks to Lion Walt Christensen for making his office available for our Santa Phone project.

Lions Club Hats. Several Lions have asked about ordering some baseball hats with Lions emblem, Clayton NY Lions Club and maybe your first name embroidered on it. A hat will cost around $12 - $15. Lion Jim Picunas can order hats through Lions International and will also check locally to see if we can get a better price. Before this, it would be good to know how many Lions would like to purchase a hat and your preferences for embroidery. If you want a hat, call Lion Jim at 686-1273 and I’ll put in an order in early January.

December Board Meeting Notes
  • Donations. Lions Club is giving $300 to Clayton’s Xmas Fund for needy families. The Sons of the Legion are organizing this effort again this year on behalf of all the service organizations in Clayton. Last year 33 families with a total of 66 children received Christmas family dinners, clothing and toys. It is a good thing that we can help our less fortunate neighbors during the Holidays. Lions Club gave $50 to Camp Badger to help defray their operating costs in 2011. $150 donated to Clayton’s Christmas Parade committee.
  • District 20W raffle. To defray costs of running District 20W, and avoid the need to raise dues next year, the District is holding a raffle for Lions members only. The raffle will run during February, with a winner’s ticket drawn daily. The daily winner gets $25. On President’s Day and Valentine’s Day the winner gets $100. We’ll have raffle tickets at the Pot Luck Dinner on 12/13.
  • Thank you notes. Clayton Lions received thank you notes from the families of Darrel Hayes and Gladys Hall. The Association for the Blind & Visually thanks the club for our contribution to their large print calendar project.
  • Member-at-large status for Lion Tom Schofield, who promises to ship some warm weather to us during the upcoming winter.
  • Winter meeting schedule. We will forego separate board meetings for January, February and March. We continue to hold regular meetings on the 2nd and 4th Mondays and we will cover board meeting actions during the 2nd Monday meeting.

Upcoming Dates. Warm up your car and join us!
Remember that for January, February and March we will meet only on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, the Board of Directors meeting being combined with the first meeting of the month.

  • December 13, 2010: Pot Luck Holiday Dinner at TILT, 6:30 pm
  • January 10th: Regular meeting and Board meeting at TILT, 6:30 pm.
  • January 24th: Regular meeting/Pot Luck Dinner at TILT, 6:30 pm.

May everyone in our club enjoy a happy, healthy and safe Holidays Season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all!

Quote for the month:
Christmas Gift Suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness
To an opponent, tolerance
To a friend, your heart
To a customer, service
To All, charity
To every child, a good example
To yourself, respect

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