Clayton Lions Club, Clayton, New York

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"Not above you, not beneath you, but with you."

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A New Sign for Lions Field

This is a press release for the TI Sun:

On Wednesday, August 24 the Village of Clayton DPW staff removed the old sign at Lions Field and replaced it with this new sign, designed and made by Stewart Signs of Cape Vincent at the request of the Clayton Lions Club. A decision was made to replace the old sign during a June 1 special meeting of the Village of Clayton Board of Trustees and a group of Lions Field stakeholders. The old sign needed replacing since it housed the defunct scoreboard, which had been replaced last year by a free-standing scoreboard in the east corner of the playing field.

A group of interested parties, together with the Village of Clayton, has been meeting and making improvements to Lions Field since the spring of 2010. Some of the completed projects are refurbished restrooms, a new roof on the restroom / storage building, picnic tables at the playground area, rebuilt and painted lion drinking fountain, the new scoreboard, and now this new sign. The labor and materials for many of these projects were fully or partially donated by generous community members and businesses.

More projects are being planned which include a new announcer's booth, upgrades to the electrical system, and the sound system. These projects benefit the community in countless ways, but they all require funds and labor. Consider how you can be part of this community effort, especially if you or your family enjoys Lions Field.

The Clayton Lions Club was able to make this new sign available through it's fundraising efforts throughout the year. The Lions Club thanks the community members who support these efforts and believe this new sign to be a good investment in a good community … Clayton, NY.

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