We have two new members this month! Let’s welcome Tom C. and Mary Z. We’ll induct them at our November 28th meeting so please be there to meet and welcome Tom and Mary into our club. It’s good to see Clayton Lions membership picking up again.
We will have an honest-to-goodness Christmas Party meeting at the Pier House Restaurant on December 12th! Spouses, friends, guests are welcome, please bring someone! Entrée choices will be prime rib, chicken cordon bleu, broiled or fried fish or the Italian Platter. As I type, we don’t know the cost but it should be around $12 - $14 each. We’re working on the program. This will be a great time, especially if we have a big turnout. We haven’t done an old fashioned Lions Christmas Party meeting in a long time so don’t miss it. Call Lion George F. by December 1 to reserve your seats.
Nov. 28. Pot Luck Dinner! Starting at 6:30 at TILT. Our guest will be this year’s District Governor, Carol P. This will be a good meeting between inducting Tom and Mary and meeting DG Carol. Main entrée will be baked ham with plenty of sides and tasty desserts. Bring a dish to pass and remember to bring place settings. And of course bring a guest.
Dec. 5. Board meeting. All Lions are welcome and encouraged to attend to participate in Club business and decisions.
Dec. 12. Christmas Party and our only meeting in December. Starting at 6:30 at Pier House; social hour starting around 6:00. Hope to see everyone there.
- Dec. 3. Clayton Christmas Parade. Theme is Cartoon Christmas. Lions John D. and Jim F. are organizing float construction. If you have a few hours to help, call John. We’ll have a work project evening to assemble the float by late November and will sent email notice to everyone. On Dec. 3 show up at the Lions Bldg around 4:00 p.m., the parade starts at 6:00 pm.
- Santa Phone. We’ll operate the Santa Phone from 6 to 8 pm every night from 12/13 through 12/16. We need at least two Lions each night. We’ll again use Christensen Realty’s office to man the phone. Thanks to Lion Walt for making the office available to us and Lion Bud D. for organizing this event and getting word out to local schools.
- Festival of the Trees at the TI Museum. Our club will have a tree. All Lions are asked to supply a Lions Club oriented ornament for the tree. Thanks to King Lion Tim for organizing this event.
November Board Notes
- Donated $100 to Lions Youth Band. High School musicians from around the state perform at the Lions State Convention next spring. TICS is interested in participating.
- Thank you received from Hawn Library for our recent donation to Sweet Dreams program.
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