Clayton Lions Club, Clayton, New York

Welcome to the Clayton Lions Club website. We're glad you can spend some time with us. Choose an event you want to attend, read our newsletter, get to know us. If you don't see what you are looking for here, then use the navigations panel on the right, or the search box at the bottom right.
"Not above you, not beneath you, but with you."


New York TBF Open Team/Open Draw
Tournament Registration
Mail to: NYTBF
C/O: Sandy Williams
P.O. Box 185
LaFargeville, NY 13656

Contact Bobby or 315-408-8472 if you have questions

Make all checks payable to “NYTBF”.


Name:___________________________________________ (please print)

Address:_________________________________________ (please print)

City:________________ State:______ Zip code:_________ (please print)

Home phone______________________ cell phone__________________

Email address __________________________

Events (please select one or more):
- 6/23/12 – Lions Club Open Team Event $85.00 + $10.00 Lunker (optional)
St. Lawrence River Clayton NY, French Creek Marina, Safe Light-3pm

- 6/24/12 – TBF Open Team Event $85.00 + $10.00 Lunker (optional)
St. Lawrence River Clayton NY, French Creek Marina, Safe Light-3pm

Boater/Partner Name:

Boater:_________________ Partner:____________________
- 7/15/12 – TBF Open Draw Event $100.00 includes Lunker
Oneida Lake NY, State Park, Safe Light-3pm

Boater Name: or Co-Angler Name:

Boater:_________________ Co-angler____________________

All boat numbers will be based on registration postmark date. You may fish alone in the Team event , but full entry is required. You can sign up at the boat launch for either event. You must bring a co-angler with you for the draw event if signing up at the launch, your co-angler will be assigned to another boater.

Boat make_____________________ Boat model____________________
Boat length ____________________Engine HP_____________________

Membership in FLW or NYTBF is not required for this event. Five fish limit, 12 inches in length. Insurance and boat length/HP waived for this event. Life jackets must be worn while outboard is running. No live bait may be used.
Signature:______________________________ Date:______________

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