- June 9 is our first Trash and Treasures Sale at the Lions Building on Webb St. in Clayton. Come early to get the best items.
- June 23 is the Bass Tournament. We are partnering with the New York Chapter of the Bass Federation. They are having an open tournament the next day. These are held at the French Creek Marina, Wahl St. Clayton, NY For the most complete information and to download a copy of the registration form go to www.nytbf.com. Click on TOURNAMENTS, then OPEN TOURNAMENTS. You can also download a copy here by clicking on the BASS tab above. You will need to copy and paste, or print the whole page.
- July 14 we are having our 3rd Annual Personal Watercraft Poker Run. We have a special website for this event at www.claytonlionspwcpokerrun.com. You can read the rules and regulations and other particulars, and download a registration form. If you want to go directly to the registration form, click on the POKER RUN tab above.
- August 18 will be our second Trash and Treasues Sale.
- The Fall Spaghetti Dinner will be in September. More to come about that.
Lion Kathy with Mr. Freitag, teacher-advisor for the TIHS Robotics Team, in the kitchen. Doesn't that spaghetti look delicious?
Lion Jim and Lion Phil prepare salads, almost 300 salads actually.
Lions Clarence, Tom and Jim pose with a helpful TIHS student member of the Robotics Team.
Lion Tom and Lion Cab are ready to welcome the next customers.